Durham Conference September 2021 (CANCELLED)

St John's College
The Durham Conference is the annual conference for the E&E network bringing together scholars working on ethnographic approaches to ecclesiology.


September 21, 2021


September 23, 2021


St John's College, 3 South Bailey, Durham, UK   View map

Dear Network of Ecclesiology and Ethnography,

We are sorry to inform you that this year’s conference has been cancelled due to complications around the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

As you are sure to be aware, cross-border travel remains problematic and with the international profile of our network we feel it is in the best interest for health and safety to wait until next year to meet again.

For those of you who have already made conference payments, we will refund your money as soon as we are able.

We are planning on hosting next year’s conference 20-22 September 2022, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you for your understanding,

Pete Ward, Knut Tveitereid, Gretchen Schoon Tanis, Jasper Bosman
The Organizing Team