Scandinavian Perspectives on Ecclesiology & Ethnography
A new volume called What Really Matters: Scandinavian Perspectives on Ecclesiology and Ethnography, edited by Jonas Ideström and Tone Stangeland Kaufman and with a foreword by Christian Scharen, is published last summer. From the Publisher This volume is about ecclesiology and ethnography and what really matters in such academic work. How does material from field studies […]
Hospitable Witnessing – A New Book
Priscilla Sun Kyung Oh, Practical Theologian, just published a new book called Hospitable Witnessing: Using Autoethnography to Reflect Theologically on a Journey of Friendship and Mental Health Problems, with a foreword by John Swinton. From the Publisher Drawing on her own experience of befriending a person suffering from a long-term mental health challenge, Dr. Priscilla […]