Ecclesiology and Ethnography: Supporting the Next Generation of Scholars
By Easten Law A network is only as strong as the ties between its members. A movement lasts only as long as its investment in future generations. With these truths in mind, Pete Ward reached out to graduate students in 2018, pondering what the E&E network could do to strengthen and support emerging scholars working […]
Doctoral Student Profile: Christine Bohlander
Christine Bohlander, Durham University, UK Please tell something about yourself and your background I have worked in HE in the UK in language teaching, PGR training and in employability education since 2004. I started my part-time doctorate in the School of Education at Durham University in 2015 focusing on the experience of German-speaking theology […]
Collaborative Practical Theology
A new book called Collaborative Practical Theology: Engaging Practitioners in Research on Christian Practices, written by Henk de Roest, is published on October 31, 2019. From the Publisher Collaborative Practical Theology documents and analyses research on Christian practices conducted by academic practical theologians in collaboration with practitioners of different kinds in Christian practices all around […]
Megachurches and Social Engagement – A New Book
A new book called Megachurches and Social Engagement: Public Theology in Practice, written by Mark J. Cartledge, Sarah Dunlop, Heather Buckingham and Sophie Bremner, is published last summer. From the Publisher This book is the first detailed academic study of megachurches in the UK. In particular, it explores the nature and significance of social engagement […]
Doctoral Student Profile: Koos Tamminga
My Ph.D. research (at TU Kampen, The Netherlands) centers around the question of disability inclusion and the church. A large part of the project exists in an ethnographic study of the Ontmoetingskerk (Encounter Church). The Ontmoetingskerk is part of a new initiative called Hart van Vathorst (HVV, Heart of Vathorst, Vathorst being a part of […]
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Reflections on Theology & the Social Sciences
Doctoral students from Duke University organized a panel discussion on March 29, 2019 to consider the history and promise of qualitative approaches to research and writing in theology. Titled “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Reflections on Theology & the Social Sciences,” this panel was moderated by Luke Bretherton (Duke Divinity School) and featured reflections from David […]
Doctoral Student Profile: Ann Gillian Chu
A Reflection on Christian Engagement in Civic Actions under Non-Democratic Governments Based on Hong Kong’s Post-Umbrella Movement Discussions Ann Gillian Chu. PhD (Divinity) Candidate, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom. MDiv, Regent College, Canada. MA(Hons) English Language, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Supervisors: Dr John Perry, Professor Mario Aguilar I grew up in Hong […]
Doctoral Student Profile: Revd Benjamin Aldous
Revd Benjamin Aldous Fresh Expressions of Church is a growing mission shaped response to the decline of mainline churches in the West. Academic reflection on the Fresh Expressions movement in the UK and the global North has begun to flourish. No such reflection, of any scope, exists in the South African context. This research asks […]
Doctoral Student Profile: Fokke Wouda
Sharing the Eucharist in Ecumenical Contexts. Learning from Monastic Experiences Fokke Wouda MA, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, The Netherlands. Studied Reformed (TUK) and Catholic Theology (TiU). Supervisors: Prof. dr. Johannes Först, prof. dr. Johanna Rahner Since the spring of ecumenism that followed Vatican II, tremendous progress has been made. Especially comparative theology and consensus […]
Durham Conference September 2018 – what did you miss?
Ecclesiology and Ethnography Conference 2018 – a Personal Account For some years now, Durham has been hosting several scholars in the network of Ecclesiology and Ethnography (EE). The annual conference brings both junior and senior researchers interested in the intersection of ethnography and theology. At each event, they showcase diverse ongoing projects and findings in […]